The ZSG's Differences
Little details do matter to us. Compare Zone's products to other custom brands to see the difference.
Finest Finish
Our final products are the results of the technical manufacturing process and all products have to be triple checked before being shipped, so we ensure to bring the best clothes to clients.
Finest Details
Our production team would be able to refine the artwork in order to have the details as smooth as possible even though the submitted file was not in high resolution which makes the artwork pixelated and definitely not look good when it comes to printing.
Finest Look
Finest Sublimation Ink
Zone's sublimation ink will not be faded after washing.
Finest material
All materials which we use for the production stage such as stitch, fabric, screen printing and sublimation ink have been certified not to affect human’s health
Quick Turn-Around Time:
We have not had an order delivered late to our customers ever since 2008. Zone team will work closely with you to make your order as smooth as possible. It only takes about 02 weeks for producing and 4-8 business days for shipping. We can even make it 01 week for producing with a reasonable rush fee.
Product Warranty:
Quality is the survival matter to Zone Ultimate. Each gear has gone through serious quality control lines before it is sent to you. However, if a problem, Zone Ultimate will repair it, replace it or refund your money.
Returns & Replacements:
When your gear arrives, please examine your gear for any product errors, quality issues, misprinted items or order mistakes. If there are any, please drop us an email at within 10 business days of your gear being delivered.
Screen printing inks got peeling or flaking after leaving garments in detergent for too long
Garments should be removed from the washing machine AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after completion of the washing cycle. This will protect screen printing inks on your gear from cracking and peeling.
Screen printing inks got cracking after continued washing and wearing
This is not a printing problem because it has more to do with how often you use your gear and how careful you follow the washing instructions. However, we will consider this is a quality issue if more than 70% of your order has the same issue before the 10th month of the order being delivered. Please contact us at for the issue.
Fabric got caught/torn off by an object
Please examine your items right away when it arrives and bring this issue to our attention within 7 business days for a replacement. The item must be brand new and never been used. We are not liable for kind of issue when the item is used
Sunscreen stains from clothing
Applying sunscreen is essential to protect your skin from the strong summer sun. Unfortunately, the chemical Avobenzone found in many sunscreen lotions can cause stubborn rust stains on clothing when it interacts with water. If you can't find a sunscreen without Avobenzone, at least opt for a cream sunblock over an aerosol spray formula. A cream formula isn't as easy to apply, but it is much easier to control where the sunscreen is going than with the spray formulas.
For sublimation or even screen printing, we have to run through a super hot dryer in order to keep the inks from cracking or bleeding. This process can shrink items from about 3% to 8% depending on the kind of fabric and the locations where design elements are being printed.
Metallic Fade
We can print shiny gold or silver with metallic ink. The only drawback to using metallic inks is that they typically do not last as long as regular screen printing inks. Instead, they tend to fade or wash out over time. This is not really a printing problem since it has more to do with how the ink itself holds up and is largely unavoidable regardless of printing quality. The metallic ink will typically look its best when it is new before any washes have occurred. It will then typically lose more and more of its quality and shine with each successive cycle of wear and wash.
Force Majeure
Zone is not liable for failure to deliver orders related to conditions beyond the control of reasonable efforts that occur (natural disaster, invasion, loss of utilities, death,…).
Country Representatives
![Ultimate Frisbee Rep](
Name: Robert Johnson - USA
![Ultimate Frisbee Rep](
Name: Hiroshi Yokota - Japan
![Ultimate Frisbee Rep](
Name: Sam Valesano - USA
Name: Justin Helbing - USA
![Ultimate Frisbee Rep](
Name: Riley van Turnhout - New Zealand
![Ultimate Frisbee Rep](
Name: Alex Bousquet - Canada